【軟體】免費試用Windows Server 2003 - PCZONE 討論區

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-- Windows 討 論 版 包括 Windows 95/98/ME、Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003 等的疑難雜症解答與經驗分享。

【軟體】免費試用Windows Server 2003
免費試用64位元 的Windows Server 2003

微軟已經開始Windows Server 2003 for Opteron的64位元作業系統預覽版的免費發放,用戶只需要在微軟網站註冊就可以進行下載,使用時限為360天。此次提供的為Windows Server 2003企業版,針對AMD Opteron處理器。微軟表示將在今年下半年正式推出64位元Windows Server 2003,將包括標準版和企業版。


分別是 : 32bit For Every、64bit For Itanium專用、64bit For Every

Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 Evaluation Download

Microsoft® Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (32-bit)
Windows Server™ 2003, Enterprise Edition (32-bit) helps you build a powerful infrastructure for highly demanding uses. It is the recommended operating system for networking and business applications requiring the utmost in performance, scalability, and high availability.
Price: US$0.00

Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition for 64-bit Itanium-Based Systems
Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003, Enterprise Edition for 64-bit Itanium-Based Systems helps you build a powerful infrastructure for highly demanding uses. It’s the recommended operating system for networking and business applications requiring the utmost in performance, scalability, and high availability. (Select this only if your server system includes 64-bit Itanium-based processors.)
Price: US$0.00

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition for 64-bit Extended Systems
Windows Server™ 2003, Enterprise Edition for 64-bit Extended Systems provides high performance for both 32-bit and 64-bit applications on the same system. The underlying architecture is based on 64-bit extensions to the industry-standard x86 instruction set, allowing today's 32-bit applications to run natively on 64-bit extended processors such as AMD Opteron™.

New 64-bit applications are executed in 64-bit mode, which processes more data per clock cycle, allows greater access to memory, and speeds numeric calculations. The end result is a platform that leverages the existing wealth of 32-bit applications while also providing a smooth migration path to 64-bit computing.
Price: US$0.00


主題 主題作者 討論版 回覆 最後發表
Windows .NET Server 2003 & Windows Server 2003 人生有夢 -- HELP ME 電 腦 軟 硬 體 急 救 版 3 2007-02-01 11:41 PM
【求助】請教 2000 Server or 2003 Server hydeleo ☉ -- 架 站 DIY 討 論 版 1 2006-01-18 09:45 AM
【求助】如何在windows 2003 server 架設 DNS 及 MAIL SERVER aniki804 ☉ -- 架 站 DIY 討 論 版 10 2005-09-30 11:04 AM
server protect灌不進windows server 2003 othree -- HELP ME 電 腦 軟 硬 體 急 救 版 0 2005-07-05 10:39 AM
【求助】為啥我的windows 2003 server 的mail server 只收外部部外送 ahwamidi ☉ -- 架 站 DIY 討 論 版 9 2004-11-10 03:45 PM

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