2002-08-06, 07:56 PM
我執行rh pppdialer時 modem有抓到卻不能撥?
我執行rh pppdialer時 modem有抓到卻不能撥?
贊助商連結 頁 :
Mr.Heart 2002-08-06, 07:56 PM 我是用rh7.3+gnome 我執行rh pppdialer時 modem有抓到卻不能撥? 大家幫幫我 贊助商連結 xiver 2002-08-08, 09:08 AM 很久沒用Modem了所以記不太清楚 好像要root才能撥吧...??? 有錯誤得話建議看看/var/log下的messages除錯 Mr.Heart 2002-08-08, 10:50 AM 最初由 xiver 發表 很久沒用Modem了所以記不太清楚 好像要root才能撥吧...??? 有錯誤得話建議看看/var/log下的messages除錯 我的modem抓到不能撥 我去看 /var/log/message 內容如下 Aug 8 10:28:09 localhost ifup-ppp: Setting up a new /etc/ppp/peers/ppp0 config file Aug 8 10:28:09 localhost ifup-ppp: pppd started for ppp0 on /dev/ttyS1 at 115200 Aug 8 10:28:10 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California Aug 8 10:28:10 localhost kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 Aug 8 10:28:10 localhost pppd[1517]: pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0 Aug 8 10:28:11 localhost WvDial: WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.41 Aug 8 10:28:11 localhost WvDial: Initializing modem. Aug 8 10:28:11 localhost WvDial: Sending: ATZ Aug 8 10:28:11 localhost WvDial: ERROR Aug 8 10:28:11 localhost WvDial: Bad init string. Aug 8 10:28:11 localhost pppd[1517]: Connect script failed Aug 8 10:28:12 localhost pppd[1517]: Exit. Aug 8 10:28:24 localhost kernel: cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize! 我不是很了解,請各位大大幫幫我,謝謝 xiver 2002-08-08, 02:21 PM 感覺好像是送出ATZ初始化MODEM出錯 你的應該是外接式的,建議檢查你的連接阜設定值 或改用kppp試試看 Mr.Heart 2002-08-08, 11:15 PM 最初由 xiver 發表 感覺好像是送出ATZ初始化MODEM出錯 你的應該是外接式的,建議檢查你的連接阜設定值 或改用kppp試試看 連接阜設定值??要去那匑heck kppp是gnome中的程式嗎? 請大大幫幫我 謝謝 chienchun_chen 2002-08-09, 03:12 AM 最初由 Mr.Heart 發表 連接阜設定值??要去那匑heck kppp是gnome中的程式嗎? 請大大幫幫我 謝謝 try this way! use the util wvdial and wvdialconf step1:type wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf ------> it creat the file in /etc (mean you must be root) step2:type wvdial ------> will scan you all com port include COM3 and COM4 etc....,and show you the modem status..... step3:vi /etc/wvdial.conf modify the PHONE NUMBER to your ISP TEL and ID , Passwd step4:/sbin/ifup ppp0 to start pppd ,will start to connect step5:open a termianl to ping somewhere ip,If not,setup you RH7.3 net-config(seem to Control panel ) Good luck! xiver 2002-08-09, 08:17 AM 按照上面網友的方法試試看吧 因為我以前是用chat script + pppd的方式撥的 wvdial沒用過 kppp是kde中的一個撥接程式,開命令視窗打kppp,應該就找的到,除非你沒裝 最後注意你的modem接到的是com1,or com2 檢查pppdialer中類似/dev/ttyS0 or /dev/modem modem應該是link到你接modem的那一個串列阜 com1 = ttyS0 com2 = ttyS1 Mr.Heart 2002-08-09, 08:35 AM 請問高手們 用vi 修改完文件後 要如何存檔阿 謝謝 xiver 2002-08-09, 09:51 AM 按 : 打wq Mr.Heart 2002-08-09, 07:20 PM 最初由 chienchun_chen 發表 try this way! use the util wvdial and wvdialconf step1:type wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf ------> it creat the file in /etc (mean you must be root) step2:type wvdial ------> will scan you all com port include COM3 and COM4 etc....,and show you the modem status..... step3:vi /etc/wvdial.conf modify the PHONE NUMBER to your ISP TEL and ID , Passwd step4:/sbin/ifup ppp0 to start pppd ,will start to connect step5:open a termianl to ping somewhere ip,If not,setup you RH7.3 net-config(seem to Control panel ) Good luck! 我照上面的方法試了一次 結果,wvdial說沒有偵測到任何的modem 可是我在winxp下modem裝在com2(ttsy1)就可以正常的使用 請各位高手幫幫我吧 我的modem是 ADI哈網族 |