小弟想請問 Exchange 5.5 server 因 priv.edb 及 pub.edb 內的 table 掛了!
使用 eseutil /p 修復後,使用者的信箱及公用區出現粉多如圖的信件!請教一下~~

小弟的 E-mail address: [email protected]

An error was returned from the messaging software the Internet Mail Service uses to process messages on the Microsoft Exchange Server. It is possible that the piece of mail being processed at the time will be returned to the sender as a failed delivery instead of being delivered. The message will be moved to the "BAD" folder, if possible, and the error is not a temporary error. Otherwise it will be retried when the service is restarted. Use the appropriate utilities found in the SUPPORT directory of your Exchange CD to view and manipulate messages that have been moved to the "BAD" folder.
請問要怎麼使用exchange cd 裡的工具