【瓶中貓】請大家抵制這個變態日本人!! - PCZONE 討論區

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站看看,http://www.bonsaikitten.com http://www.bonsaikitten.com (網

如果您是第500位連署的朋友,請把這封信寄給 [email protected]



This is really disgusting !
To anyone who feel love or respect to any life form.

In New York, there is a Japanese man that sells "bonsai ca
ts".Does it sound nice? Well it is NOT!The man puts baby cat
s in glass bottles and feeds them through a tube.Another tub
e is used to clean up the fezzes and urine of the cat.In ord
er to the baby cat to shape up to the glass bottle,the cat i
s fed with chemicals to soften their bones,as well as to kee
p them alive as much as possible(as long as they can survive
that kind of torture).The cat cannot move, walk, clean himse
lf... He cannot do anything!This kind of cruelty is becoming
fashionablein NY, Indonesia and New Zealand.People think is
fashionable to have a live mascot shaped as a bottle.For mo
re information about the kind of torture thatcats are beings
ubmitted to, just enter this site:< <http://www.bonsaikitten.com>
http://www.bonsaikitten.com> (the images are cruel)

This is a petition to send to the US Animal Protection Soc
ietyand to the general press, in order to prevent this kind
of abuse.Please send this e-mail to anyone that loves cats o
r that respectlife.Just add your name to the end of the list
.Use forward or copy/paste to send this as a new mail messag
e.If you are the 500 person to sign this petition,please sen
d a copy of the message to < <mailto:[email protected]>
[email protected]>and start a
new page for this petition from number 1 again.

Thank you!
Signatures (Name, City, Country)1. Ana Checa Mexico, D.F2.
Manolo Aller Mexico D.F3. Alberto Huerta Mexico D.F4. Manuel
Gutierrez Mexico DF5. Marco Zapata Madrid6. Teresa Morato M
exico D.F7. Ximena Goyenechea Mexico D.F8. Larissa Lara Mexi
co D.F.9. Marina Arencibia Venezuela10. Ana Maria Carvajal V
enezuela11. Edgard D'Angelo Venezuela12. Claudia Marquez Ven
ezuela13. Derek Ludovic Venezuela14. Rodolfo Placencia Venez
uela15. Marbella Caceres Venezuela16. Maria Cristina Caceres
Venezuela17. Ana C. Castro venezuela18. Victoria Sanchez, V
enezuela19. Maria Editha Valdeavellano, Chile20. Patricio Va
ldeavellano, Chile21. Reinaldo Lopez, Venezuela22. Paula Aed
o, Chile23. Constanza Carrasco, Chile.24. Cecilia Noton, Chi
le25. Carlos Eduardo Briones Bolbaran , Chile26. Ximena Alej
andra Briones Bolbaran, Chile27. Pamela Andrea Roa Alarcon,C
hile28. Gabriela Beatriz Christiny Guajardo, Chile29. Magdal
ena Amenabar Iniguez, Chile30. Indra Soledad Kleinhempel Val
ladares, Chile31. Monica Marisol Moreno Muga,Chile32. Pilar
Rebolledo, Chile33. Andrea Villagra, Chile34. Claudia Jerez,
Chile35. Erna Zagal ,Chile36. Andrea Munoz, Chile37. Jacque
line Mateluna, Chile38. Beatriz Crovetto, Chile39. CarinneSa
ntana, Chile40. Angelica Bendana, Chile41. Isabel Olivares,
Chile42. Max Aguilera, Chile43. Maria Jose Molina, Chile44.
Alejandra Fuentealba, Chile45. Tamara Huanquel, Chile.46.Pau
lina Garces, Chile47. Carmen Gloria Munoz, Chile48. Maria So
ledad Cofre, Chile49. Sergio Antoine, Chile50. Maria Jose Es
pinoza, Chile51. Alejandra Bauerle, Chile52. Ximena Chau, Ch
ile53. Doris Rubio,Chile54. Heidi Acevedo,Chile55. Claudia A
cevedo,Chile56. Maria Elena Vergara, C57. Sandra Soto58.Eliz
abeth Molina59. Paula Rios60. Rodrigo Gajardo61. AndreaSolar
i62. Paula Baranda63. Guillermina de la Jara64. Monserrat Ga
jardo65. Paola Croma66. Erika Leiva67. Luis Bravo68. Ximena
Cruz, Chile69. Marcela Serey, Chile70. Ismael Serey, Chile71
. Luisa Torres, Chile72. Luis Gsmez, Chile73. Loreto Valenzu
ela, Chile74. Lorena Tapia, Chile75. Antonia Fortt, Chile76.
Fernando A. Vivanco, Wisconsin, USA77. Gisela Lesn, Chile78
. Andrea Lesn, Chile79. Lorena Calleja, Chile.80. Rossana Ce
recera, Chile.81. HUGO VERA, CHILE82. Elena Mena, Puerto Ric
o83. Vangie Valles, Puerto Rico84. Ana Maria Alvarez Cartana
Antonio Viera Vecchio, Montevideo, URUGUAY87. Carlos Vigliol
a, Montevideo, URUGUAY88. Jorge Savecki, Montevideo, URUGUAY
89. Bianca Koch, Sao Paulo, BRASIL90. Evandro Cordova da Sil
va, Sao Paulo, Brasil91. Rodrigo Bertolani, Sao Paulo,Brasil
92. Carlos R. Filipine, Sao Paulo, Brasil93. Marcos Roberto
Zarpelao, Sao Paulo, Brasil94. Mtnica Sayuri Morita, Sao Pau
lo, Brasil95. Eduardo Alves de Paula, Sao Paulo, Brasil96. G
eraldina Prazeres da Silva Holsapfel, Sao Paulo, Brasil97. M
auro Donizete Holsapfel, Sao Paulo, Brasil98. Nair Florentin
a Azinhais de Araujo Delgado Freire, Portugal99. Sarah Danie
la Azinhais de Araujo Delgado Freire, Portugal100. Diana Nai
r Azinhais de Araujo Delgado Freire, Portugal101. David Pire
s, Sines / Portugal / Europa102. Tiago Barbosa Ribeiro, Port
ugal103. Eulalia Mestre, Portugal104. Tania Vasco,Coimbra,Po
rtugal105. Marco Reis, Lisboa, Portugal106. Raquel Cabral,li
sboa,Portugal107. Sandra Rodrigues,Lisboa / Portugal108. Mon
ica Sampaio, Lisboa / Portugal109. Andreia Estrela, Portugal
110. Sara Costa, Portugal111. Helena Barroso, Lisboa - Portu
gal112. Paulo Duarte - Ericeira - PORTUGAL113. SuzanaBranco,
Portugal114. Vitor Dourado, Lisboa, Portugal115. Filipa Arr
uda, Lisboa, Portuga116. Rita Moleiro, Lisboa, Portugal117.
maria ines freitas, lisboa, portugal118. Joao Cavaleiro e Si
lva, Lisboa Portugal119. Claudia Nunes Pereira , Lisboa Port
ugal120. Helena Abreu, Lisboa, Portugal121. CristinaCarita,
Lisboa, Portugal122. Marta Martins, Lisboa, Portugal123. Sil
via A. S. Serafim, Lisboa, Portugal124. Sandra Botelho, Lisb
oa, Portugal125. Isabel Soares, Lisbon, Portugal126. Manuel
Oliveira, London, UK127. Athina Markopoulou, Palo Alto, USA1
28. Katerina Argyraki, Palo Alto, USA129. Dimitris Makris, L
ondon, UK130. Vangelis Koutsoumbis, Athens, Greece131. Avgou
stos Tsinakos, Thessaloniki, Greece132. Apostolos Karakatsan
is, Athens, Greece133. Konstantinos Karydas, Athens, Greece1
34. Giannis Iliopoulos, Athens, Greece135. Elina Georgiadi,
Athens, Greece136. Maria Chatzieleftheriou, Athens,Greece137
. Makis Dagos, Athens, Greece138. Maria Stavrou, Athens Gree
ce139. Eleanna Kaklamanaki Athens Greece140. Panagiotis Zark
as Athens Greece141. Vivian Miami - Athens Greece142. Katran
tzakis Costas - Athens Greece143. Manos Kilimantzos - Athens
Greece144. Theo Bosdas - Athens Greece145. Meny Faleka - At
hens Greece146. Alexander Falekas - Athens Greece147. Pyrros
Falekas - Athens Greece148. Eleni Tyrelis - Athens Greece14
9. Nikos Tyrelis - Athens Greece150. Nena Tyrelis - Athens G
reece151. Nasos Tyrelis - Athens Greece152. Kate Nikolopoulo
u - Athens Greece153. Panos Nikolopoulos - Athens Greece154.
Despina Tsiligakis - Athens Greece155. Vagelis Stoyannis -
Athens Greece156. Savoula Stoyannis - Athens Greece157. Milt
os Athanassiou - Athens Greece158. Evdokia Athanassiou - Ath
ens Greece159. Maria Athanassiou - Athens Greece160. Manolis
Stoyannis - Athens Greece161. Alexis Alexiades - Athens Gre
ece162. Paraskevi Dilana - Athens Greece163. MariaNomikos -
New York USA164. Sharon van Heerden - Florida, USA165. Linda
van Heerden - Florida, USA166. Peter van Heerden- Florida,
USA167. Meegan van Heerden - Florida, USA168. Erica de Jongh
- Johannesburg, South Africa169. Koos de Jongh - Johannesbu
rg, South Africa170. Barend van der Merwe - Johannesburg, So
uth Africa171. Charmaine van der Merwe - Johannesburg, South
Africa172. Denise van der Merwe - Johannesburg,South Africa
173. Renaldo van der Merwe - Johannesburg, South Africa174.
Cobus Meiring - Kempton Park, SA175. Rina Meiring - Kempton
Park, SA176. Stefan Meiring - Kempton Park, SA177. Anelise v
an den Heever - Parktown, SA178. Gloria-Jean Dudley - Parkto
wn, RSA179. Margaret Alexander - Boksburg RSA180. Anne Burra
ge - Boksburg RSA181. Stephen Burrage - Boksburg RSA182. Bru
ce Burrage - Boksburg RSA183. Lauren Burrage - Boksburg RSA1
84 . Pam van Staden - North Riding RSA185. Allen van Staden
- North Riding RSA186. Seth van Staden - North Riding RSA187
. Joshua van Staden - North Riding RSA188. Sally Watson - Mu
lbarton RSA189. Irene Botha - Durban RSA190. Natalie Leschin
sky, Edenvale, RSA191. Robyn Busby, Bedfordview, R.S.A192. E
194. Sandra Van Kempen, Brisbane, Australia195.Heidi Thomas,
Wollongong, Australia196. Brena Hore, Sydney,Australia197.
Donna Smith, Sydney, Australia198. Michelle Pearson, Sydney,
Australia199.Kirsty Marnock, Mulgrave, Australia200. Elke R
ohlf, Mulgrave. Australia201. Tracey Denton, Boronia, Austra
lia202. Shair Lee Lim, Mt Waverley, Australia203. Linda HO,
HONG KONG204. Sicily HO, Hong Kong 205. PiggieHO, Hong Kong
206. katy ho, hong kong207. Yan Tsang, Hong Kong208. Tsang Fan
Ling, Hong Kong209. Yum Miu ling, Hong Kong210. Eunice Won
g, Hong Kong211. Vivien Kam, Hong Kong212. Kevin Law, Hong K
ong213. Heline Lam, Hong Kong214. Carmen Tin, Hong Kong215.
Pi-Chen Chang, Taipei, Taiwan216. Eileen Tien, Taipei, Taiwa
n217. Archie Huang, Taipei, Taiwan218. Maggie Hsieh, Taipei,
Taiwan219. Roamer Tsei, Taipei, Taiwan220. Cate Wu, Taipei,
Taiwan221. Rosanna Chan, Taipei, Taiwan222.Winnie Huang, Ta
ipei, Taiwan223.Helen Tai,Taipei,Taiwan
224. Yi-Ching CHEN, Taiwan.
225 Huang Kung-wan, Taiwan
226 Yu- Ching LIN, Taiwan.
227 Hsu Jing-Wen,Taiwan.
228 peipei Den,Taiwan.
229 huili chang,Taiwan.
330. Rae Wu, Taipei, Taiwan .[吳滋慧]
331.Jil Wu, Taipei Taiwan
332 Yu Ju Liu, Taipei, Taiwan

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use of the individual or entity named aboveand may containi
nformation that is privileged, confidentialand exempt fromdi
sclosureunder applicable law. If the reader of this message
is not theintendedrecipient, you are hereby notified that an
y dissemination,distribution or copying ofthis communication
is strictly prohibited.If you have received this message in
error,please immediately notify the sender and delete the m
ail.Thank you.







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