【轉貼】Software Inspector - Secunia, 你安裝的應用程式是安全的版本嗎? - PCZONE 討論區

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【轉貼】Software Inspector - Secunia, 你安裝的應用程式是安全的版本嗎?

Software Inspector - Secunia
Feature Overview - The Secunia Software Inspector:
* Detects insecure versions of applications installed
* Verifies that all Microsoft patches are applied
* Assists you in updating your system and applications
* Runs through your browser. No installation or download is required.
Jeff Jones Security Blog : Exposed? : Examining Secunia Unpatched Warnings - Part 1
Jeff Jones Security Blog : Exposed? : Examining Secunia Unpatched Warnings - Part 2
Jeff Jones Security Blog : Exposed? : Examining Secunia Unpatched Warnings - Part 3

此篇文章於 2007-02-08 04:40 AM 被 FYI 編輯。.

主題 主題作者 討論版 回覆 最後發表
Norton Security Inspector 2009 天氣預報 -- 防 駭 / 防 毒 版 0 2009-06-19 11:57 AM
【指令行】Sector Inspector (SecInspect.exe) 琥珀 -- Windows 更新 & 驅 動 程 式 版 0 2003-08-29 06:57 PM

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