How to Block the specific IP to reach my computer - PCZONE 討論區

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-- 防 駭 / 防 毒 版 不論你是使用固定 IP 或是 DHCP 一定都有機會被無聊的駭客入侵 , 來這裡跟大家作防駭以及防毒的心得與資訊分享。

How to Block the specific IP to reach my computer
How to Block the specific IP to reach my computer? I have installed the Zone Alarm and it alert me someone trying to make a inbound communication on NetBIOS port 137 on my computer for several times!!!!!! Lucky Zone Alarm has helped me to block this f**king action. The hacker IP is and I checked that it is from Beijing.

Anyone can tell me what can I do? Moreover I have a Win2K Adv server too, but it has many service need to run so I can't and don't how to make a firewall for it. Now I turn It off temporary. Anyone know what firewall for Adv server is good and flexible? Really Really need flexible, coz many services are running, such as POP, SMTP, Web, FTP, MySQL, etc.... and Is there any way to block the access from some specific IP???


主題 主題作者 討論版 回覆 最後發表
【問題】Invalid block address, 無法燒錄 ja0206 -- 光 碟 燒 錄 討 論 版 0 2006-07-12 07:25 AM
【求助】Invalid Block Address錯誤訊息 eugenie -- 光 碟 燒 錄 討 論 版 1 2003-05-23 10:25 PM
【求助】關於Sleipnir的URL BLOCK hy219 -- 網 路 軟 體 討 論 一 版 (Browser,Email 2 2003-03-11 04:18 PM
關於 Block Proxy lamina -- 站 務 公 告 與 建 議 版 0 2002-08-09 06:07 PM
【問題】Invalid Block Address nnekki -- 光 碟 燒 錄 討 論 版 6 2002-04-17 07:31 PM

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