【警告】Kerio Winroute Firewall 5.10 驗證漏洞 - PCZONE 討論區

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【警告】Kerio Winroute Firewall 5.10 驗證漏洞
Kerio Winroute Firewall 5.10 驗證漏洞

Winroute is most popular SOHO software firewall/router/Proxy solution for Windows platform.

During troubleshooting of Winroute a security related problem was discovered allowing remote website to obtain cleartext credentials (usernameassword) of WinRoute user.

WinRoute has extremely weak functionality as a proxy server. It doesn't rebuild request sent by browser. Instead, it only changes Proxy- related header by substituting fist character to X (So, for example,Proxy-Connection header becomes Xroxy-Connection: in outgoing request). It leads to few troubles. First, it leaks HTTP established connections.Every file (for exmple .gif, html, jpg) from web server requires separate connection resulting in performance degradation. But, of cause,security related problem is in handling Proxy-Authorization: header sent by browser. Browser sends this header with every request in a case proxy server requires authentication. This header contains base64-encoded username and password of proxy user in cleartext (NTLM and Kerberos probably is not supported by WinRoute). If WinRoute uses windows authentication this credentials contain domain account information.

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