【求助】NT 4.0安裝SP6a後,無法正常開機了! - PCZONE 討論區

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【求助】NT 4.0安裝SP6a後,無法正常開機了!
小弟安裝Service Pack 6a一切順利之後-->重新開機!!結果按下 OK 登入之後,竟出現了以下的錯誤訊息:

〝C:\WINNT40\Profiles\Administrator\口口 is not accessible 〞
This folder was moved or removes

接著我按下 OK 鍵之後,電腦又動了二~三秒,就完全沒反應了,只剩下滑鼠指標可動,桌面上乾乾淨淨一點東西也沒有,按任何鍵也沒反應,只能按下 Crtl + Alt + Del 鍵,關機or重開機而已!

PS:我本來是NT 4.0 sp4 中文版的,可是為何全都變成了英文介面?是不是我安裝的Service Pack 6a是英文版的關係?如果真是這樣,想請問高手,在此狀況下,我該如何回復到原來 SP4 的狀態?



Service Pack Uninstall

  This Service Pack contains an uninstall feature that you can use to restore your computer to its previous state.

  To enable the uninstall option, run Update.exe. A subfolder named Uninstall is created in your Windows NT folder. This requires at least 120 megabytes (MB) of free space on the disk on which Windows NT 4.0 is installed, 60 MB for the uninstall folder, and 60 MB for the Service Pack-updated system files.

  To uninstall SP6 using Add/Remove Programs
  1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs, click Windows NT 4.0 SP6, and then click Add/Remove.
  3. Follow the instructions that appear.
  To uninstall SP6 from the command prompt
  1. Click Start, point to Programs, and then click Command Prompt.
  2. Change the folder to \%systemroot%\$NtServicePackUninstall$\spuninst\ and then type: Spuninst.exe
  3. Type Exit to close the Command Prompt window.
Note: If you install any programs or services that require SP6 or have fixes contained in SP6, uninstalling SP6 could adversely affect those programs.

  To uninstall SP6, the drive letter for the hard disk must be the same one used when you installed SP6. If you change the drive letter for the hard disk, you cannot uninstall SP6.

最初由 Schnaufer 發表
Service Pack Uninstall

  This Service Pack contains an uninstall feature that you can use to restore your computer to its previous state.

  To enable the uninstall option, run Update.exe. A subfolder named Uninstall is created in your Windows NT folder. This requires at least 120 megabytes (MB) of free space on the disk on which Windows NT 4.0 is installed, 60 MB for the uninstall folder, and 60 MB for the Service Pack-updated system files.

  To uninstall SP6 using Add/Remove Programs
  1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs, click Windows NT 4.0 SP6, and then click Add/Remove.
  3. Follow the instructions that appear.
  To uninstall SP6 from the command prompt
  1. Click Start, point to Programs, and then click Command Prompt.
  2. Change the folder to \%systemroot%\$NtServicePackUninstall$\spuninst\ and then type: Spuninst.exe
  3. Type Exit to close the Command Prompt window.
Note: If you install any programs or services that require SP6 or have fixes contained in SP6, uninstalling SP6 could adversely affect those programs.

  To uninstall SP6, the drive letter for the hard disk must be the same one used when you installed SP6. If you change the drive letter for the hard disk, you cannot uninstall SP6.

  不曉得可不可以在 DOS 模式下進入 \%systemroot%\$NtServicePackUninstall$\spuninst\ 目錄並執行 Spuninst.exe?

  %Systemroot% 是你的 Winnt 目錄所在。


最初由 Schnaufer 發表
  不曉得可不可以在 DOS 模式下進入 \%systemroot%\$NtServicePackUninstall$\spuninst\ 目錄並執行 Spuninst.exe?

  %Systemroot% 是你的 Winnt 目錄所在。



我後來是在桌面上按 Ctrl+Alt+Del ,『工作管理員-->應用程式-->新工作』之下,
找到 Spuninst.exe 檔,執行成功!!



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【求助】NT & USB ecp -- HELP ME 電 腦 軟 硬 體 急 救 版 2 2005-06-22 06:22 PM
【求助】NT 4 & 2K miels -- Windows 討 論 版 2 2003-04-20 10:49 AM
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【求助】NT 4.0安裝SP6a後,無法正常開機了! monstar -- Windows 討 論 版 1 2002-07-09 04:41 PM
【求助】NT 4.0安裝SP6a後,無法正常開機了! monstar -- HELP ME 電 腦 軟 硬 體 急 救 版 1 2002-07-09 02:48 PM

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