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偶是nt 8000刷卡

板 主
Re: plextor 24寫
最初由 kennytrue123
1. 支援 20x 和 24x 寫錄(Z-CLV)速度 。 2. 支援 BURN-Proof II anti-oaster technology 。 3. 支援 PoweRec II quality monitor system 。 4. 緩衝記憶體為 4MB 。 5. 最好的 data reading performance with pressed/cdr media 。 6. 很好的 DAE ripping speed 。 7. 很好的 packet reading/writing performance 。 8. 通過 DAO-RAW 寫錄 功\能 。 9. 通過 read/write SubChannel Data from Audio/Data tracks 。 10.完整備份最新防拷 (SafeDisc2) 。 11.通過 CD-Text (read/write) 。 12.通過 超燒 to (95)分鐘 。 13.通過 Ultra-DMA 33 connection interface 。 14.很低的噪音設計 。 15.內建 散熱的風扇 。
這一篇的廣告嫌疑太重,上面所述的優點全是國外網站Cdrinfo的測試結果中"好聽"的一部分,"難聽"的隻字未提。網友在引用這些"讚美"說詞時,請註明出處,否則會被以為是來打廣告的。下面附上Cdrinfo論壇對Plextor Pxw2410A及Liteon LTR 24102B的測試結果給大家做參考。

Plextor PXW2410A
- Supports 20x and 24x writing (Z-CLV) speeds
- "BURN-Proof" anti-coaster technology
- "PoweRec II" quality monitor system
- European retail package offers 2 years of warrantee! Unique feature!!!
- 4MB of Buffer
- Best data reading performance with pressed/cdr media
- Very Good DAE ripping speed
- Very good packet reading/writing performance
- Supports DAO-RAW writing mode
- Can read/write SubChannel Data from Audio/Data tracks
- Can produce perfect SD2 backups!!!
- Supports CD-Text (read/write)
- Supports Overburning (up to 95mins)
- Supports Ultra-DMA 33 connection interface
- Complete retail package - contains Nero 5.5x and 16 languages manual!
- Very low noise when operating - notice how quite is the tray!
- Drive has attached fan

Negative (-):
- Bigger seek times compared to the competition
- Drive is picky with the inserted Audio CDR media
- DAE quality seems vari with different CDR media
- Recognize problems with specific CDR brands
- Produced coasters with specific CDR media (Imation 80min 16x)
- Failed to recognize 99min CDs
- Failed to recognize Prodisc NoName 80min CDs
- Very bad CloneCD reading speeds
- Price higher than competition (+30$)

LiteOn LTR-24102B
- Supports 20x and 24x writing (Z-CLV) speeds
- "Smart-BURN" anti-coaster technology
- Very Good data reading performance
- Very Good Seek times
- Very Good DAE ripping quality
- Very good packet reading/writing performance
- Supports DAO-RAW
- Can read/write SubChannel Data from Audio/Data tracks
- Can produce perfect SD2 backups!!!
- Supports CD-Text (reading/writing)
- Supports Overburning (up to 99mins)
- Supports Ultra-DMA 33 connection interface
- Very good behavior even with non-24x certified media (not even a single coaster!)
- Retail package contains Nero 5.5x
- Low noise when operating
- Low price (170$<=) compared to the competition

Negative (-):
- Low reading performance with HS-RW media (16x CLV)
- Low DAE ripping speed compared to the competition...
- Very bad CloneCD reading speeds
- Doesn't support lower recording speeds than 8X
- No cooling fan

jess版主說得甚是,YSL去他們網站看過,在測試出來的結果上,Plextor 2410A還是有些缺陷,在效能上或者說在防拷讀取上,比LITEON LTR 24102B還差蠻多的。在售價上,LITEON LTR 24102B還比Plextor 2410A便宜許多。大家可以去原網站看看,如果是我,反倒是比較希望買LITEON的這台。不過我的燒錄機已經四台了,想想也就......,狠不下心啦!



主題 主題作者 討論版 回覆 最後發表
【求助】Digimaster 24寫=Lite-On 24寫 嗎? zog -- 光 碟 燒 錄 討 論 版 10 2002-05-13 10:03 PM
PLEXTOR 1610A的成功案例 cgtpolo -- 光 碟 燒 錄 討 論 版 0 2002-03-24 03:16 PM
請問RICOH MP7240A(24寫)的燒錄機怎麼樣??? eddiecola -- 電 腦 硬 體 討 論 版 0 2002-01-14 09:53 PM
Plextor W241040TA使用心得 a8307313 -- 光 碟 燒 錄 討 論 版 5 2001-08-08 05:21 AM
Plextor 8432A的燈一直亮不停 antiwarman -- 光 碟 燒 錄 討 論 版 1 2001-06-23 01:58 PM

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