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-- 光 碟 燒 錄 討 論 版 各種燒錄 軟體/硬體(CD-R、CD-RW、DVD ± RW)使用心得分享和各種燒錄技術問題與討論。燒錄器 的疑難雜症、使用心得分享


請問有冇人識用CloneCD配合Clony v1.07b去燒錄惡靈古堡三及DiabloII中文版的playdisk?
我的燒錄機是PlexWriter 8/4/32A及軟體已經Upgrade 到1.09版.
我是在http://hkykk.heha.net/下載了暗黑2,安裝后郤不能進入遊戲,無論我是用DAEMON或燒成碟后,當我放入playdisk后,它都說要我確 認是否已經放入playdisk,重複了多次亦不能進入遊戲.
而惡靈古堡三則是你唔可以 兄所上傳的,當我燒錄成碟,完全安裝后,郤不能進入遊戲,用DAEMON反而可以.

請教教我怎樣解決以上問題? 拜託!拜託!

板 主

Dear Lady:

For diablo 2c, from what you just described, the possible reason was that you actually had a "unworkable" copy of image of the "playdisc". But since I also downloaded these image files from the same source as you did and it just worked nicely under Daemon, and also produced a correct cd copy(under the help of CDPS) for me, it was indeed hard for me to figure out what could happeded in your machine (especially, when you mounted the image file in Daemon to install and play the game, you acturally did not use the real cd-rom or cdr(w) at all, and it should work if the image file was "good"). The only word I can say is, try to repair your window system by say, Norton Disk Doctor. Remove the game, reboot the system, reinstall the game, to see what would outcome. If the situation insists, try if you could repeat the same work in another PC.

As for the another game, since the image files worked under Daemon, use clony(choose safe disc 2, and follow the steps instructed by clony)+clonecd, you should be able produce a workable CD. But I would suggest to use CDPS instead of clony.

Good Luck!

ps: maybe you would like to read some of the articles under this discussion zone, which introduced how to "correctly" use the addon tools(clony and CDPS) to help clonecd to make the good backups that you want.


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