【求助】cisco ap350 problem (only 50mw) - PCZONE 討論區

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【求助】cisco ap350 problem (only 50mw)(山賊兄請進)
我的ap堶掬膆傿L線的功率只有max 50mw
radio ver 5.30
我另外把我的pcm350 100mw 插進ap

i have a strange problem here...
i live in a etsi regulated country and purchased a cisco's air-pcm350 series
100mw (configurable,internal antenna) air-pcm352 pcmcia adapter,no problem
wheter its working in 100mw or 50mw.this is ok
i have also cisco's air-ap350 access point(ver:c350-k9w7-mx.122-15.JA) i opened it and took the
air-lmc350 pcmcia adapter out the problem is lmc350 is working in 50mw mode
max,it exactly the same pcmcia factor with pcm350 which can operate in
100mw. how can i raise the lmc-350 adapter to 100mw i tried everything with
firmware issues but got no answer.
and note that the 100mw pcmcia pcm-350 (internal ant) made in taiwan, 50mw
pcmcia lmc350 (have two mmcx connectors no internal antenna) made in
Anyone knows how to raise the lmc350 pcmcia to 100mw?

Watch Dog

Thank's for inviting!

I knew you have some problem about your ap350.
I had searched the informaion on google which you needed last night,
but I couldn't find any useful information there.

I just knew that lmc350 is a kind of pcmcia type wireless card as the same as pcm-350,
and somebody said that the maximum RF power output of lmc350 is 100mW, so I think you may try to update the firmware of the card which is located in America or Japan.

The reference is here:


Seeing that we have known the card is the same as pcm-350. Have you ever tried to update the firmware of the card to pcm-350's before? I mean let ap350 deems it's pcm-350, not lmc-350.


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