【軟體】音效卡示波器 Soundcard Oscilloscope by Christian Zeitnitz - PCZONE 討論區

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【軟體】音效卡示波器 Soundcard Oscilloscope by Christian Zeitnitz
Soundcard Oscilloscope
Author: Christian Zeitnitz

Main features:

The Soundcard Oscilloscope receives its data from the Soundcard with 44.1kHz and 16 Bit resolution. The data source can be selected in the Windows mixer (Microphone, Line-In or Wave). The frequency range depends on the sound card, but 20-20000Hz should be possible with all modern cards. The low frequency end is limited by the AC coupling of the line-in signal. Be aware, that most microphone inputs are only mono.

The oscilloscope contains in addition a signal generator for 2 channels for Sine, Square, Triangular and Sawtooth wave forms in the frequency range from 0 to 20kHz. These signals are available at the speaker output of the sound card. These can be fed back to the oscillocope in order to generate Lissajous figures in the x-y mode.


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